Improving Kenyan crop yields

Water used for the production of food is often related by people to irrigation, but this an incorrect picture. Most grown food is cultivated with rain. With accurate forecasts you can estimate when the best time is to sow or harvest. But if you are going to irrigate, you need to know where the water resources are and whether you can safely use the surface water. That knowledge is often missing.

Kenya is often being seen as example country an at the forefront for other surrounding African countries. If you get ground on the Kenyan market there is a good chance the product will be accepted in those surrounding countries.

With the low-costs rainsensors of Disdrometrics it is possible to get local weather forecast.
Kenyan Farmers are provided with better meteorological data to improve crop yields and develop new approaches to precision farming under a changing climate.
Together with our Kenyan partners we want to support farmers to pro-actively manage their farm, using less water while achieving higher yield (up to 26%). With local soil moisture, local rainfall and actual crop water consumption known, irrigation requirements are calculated with a substantially higher local accuracy then was possible before.

We just finished the feasibility study. Hope to start the second stage soon.

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